FSC® stands for „Forest Steward-hip Council®“. It is an international certification system of more lasting forest economy. The wood of pieces of furniture, toys, books, school basting or pencils with FSC seal comes from woods which are managed more responsibly. There are ten worldwide valid principles which must be kept by all FSC standards of the different countries. FSC are certificated woods and plantations which are managed, among the rest, after stricter ecological and social principles. This should contribute to the fact that the woods can be preserved in the long term. The image a FSC-certificated wood is an absolutely untouched nature applies just as little like the image from the wood only little wood would be taken.
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It is the most important aim of the FSC that the woods of our earth at the same time environmentally sound, more socially acceptable and economically are used more load-bearing. The FSC - in 1993 as a result of the environmental summit of Rio founded - is a non-state, charitable organisation. He leads enterpriser from the wooden shaft and forestry, environmental associations, trade unions, representatives of the civil society and indigene people together. All interest groups involved in the wood are recognised here equally. This draught is reflected in the chamber structure of the organisation: None of three chambers can be outvoted.
The FSC takes care of transparency. Certificated companies should be controlled as a rule yearly on site by independent consultants and the results be made public.
Since 1997 there is the FSC as a charitable association also in Germany. The working group FSC Germany inc. supports the FSC Internationally centre with headquarter in Bonn as a national initiative and is responsible for the German FSC standard which is based on the same ten principles which are also valid internationally.
The WWF supports the work of the FSC and advises to pay attention with the purchase of paper products and wooden products to the FSC seal. Though it is accused of the FSC seal by critics of not being perfect. And it is not this, unfortunately, also. But the FSC seal is the most demanding one which we can find at the moment international. FSC is on a good way, because it creates transparency, while it can react with different mechanisms to mismanagement - up to the denial of the FSC certificate.
The WWF exerts itself with concrete demands to make the FSC better and to develop. Since a more responsible forest economy can preserve woods from her complete destruction. She creates permanently enough income, protects jobs and inland revenue and prevents, so for example, the change of woods in palm oil plantations, soy fields or other lucrative usable areas.
see entire report: